Would you like to be part of Team EDF 2024?
We are looking for volunteers to help from the 20th July to 31st July 2024.
To make the festival an annual event we need the support of many volunteers, either helping with specific jobs in the weeks leading up to the event or in a variety of vital roles over the weekend itself. It’s also a great chance to make friends, experience some amazing music and make some fantastic memories.
As a volunteer you will be expected to be available for at least 12-15 hours of work over the course of the weekend with shifts alternating between daytime / evening throughout the festival. There are a couple of teams that have longer hours and some who are involved in pre and post Festival work but you will not be placed on these teams without your agreement in advance.
A team is a group of people who operate in a specific area during the Festival. A team can range in size from 5 to 10 people and there is at least one Team Leader and often other co-Leaders as well. The teams carry out a myriad of activities as detailed in the Team Descriptions below.
All voluntary staff with be placed on a rota system which will be agreed with you prior to the event or at team meetings. You are needed to cover at least 2 shifts alternating daytime/evenings so please be ready and willing to be flexible.
As a volunteer you will get:
Access to festival activities within the main arena where possible, so when you are not working you are free to enjoy the festival, the music, your friends, etc. a volunteer shirt, which you wear whenever you are working during the festival, meal vouchers, latest news from the festival.
Please note we cannot offer travel, accommodation or expenses but we can offer you the opportunity of being involved with one of the most exciting events of the year and membership of the growing festival family.
You must be 18 years or older at the time of the festival to be accepted as a volunteer.
Volunteering Descriptions
Technical & Prep:
Pre-event set up of main site and additional venues as required including staging, set, seating and ancillary items and post event de-rig. Assist the sound and lighting company with the preparation of technical areas, load in and get out of band equipment. This is one of the most demanding areas so you must be fit, well organised and aware of safety issues and have good availability and a willingness to do just what it takes to make it all happen. Please note that this area has availability from Tuesday of festival week until the Tuesday following the festival if you have the time and stamina to stick with us!
Green Team:
Your mission should you choose to take it is to ensure that as much waste as possible generated onsite is recycled or composted to minimise waste to landfill.
Your assistance will be required both during the day with a strong presence on hand during the times the site is open to the general public to assist with helpful information and assistance to ensure correct disposal of waste from all concessionaires (bars, caterers, etc.). Please note that though this team is rotated during the festival, all volunteers will be required at the end of Saturday night for a final clear up. If you are available, some help would also be useful earlier in the week to ensure that disposal areas are properly labelled and in the correct place. Or if you can help during the clear up the following week you will earn our eternal gratitude!
You will assist with the stewarding operation led by the professional security company employed by the Festival. A very important area to ensure the smooth running of the event and to provide a friendly, helpful service. Volunteers are required for Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. If available we would be really grateful if anyone would like to work a few more hours to ensure that all the hours of the festival are covered.
***Please note volunteers must be 18 years or over for the Stewarding team***
Assist with the selling of festival and band merchandising throughout the festival. You should be a real people person with an outgoing personality. An interest in the music the festival promotes would be useful. This area involves some lifting and carrying and input throughout the day/evening. Some pre-festival preparation also required if available.
Assist with the picking up and transportation of band personnel, collecting equipment for delivery to venues, transferring staff and others involved with the organisation of the event. Availability all day/night is required including early morning/late night ferry/airport runs and indeed outwith the festival. Good local knowledge is necessary.
***Must be over 25 years of age, a MIDAS qualification is desirable but if you have D1 on your licence, that is fine***
After you have submitted an application, whether you have been assigned to a team and contacted by a Team Leader, if your availability changes in any way, please contact us.
All volunteers should email us with your details.
Please make 3 team choices as that will make it easier to place you. We will look at your choices, consider your skills and interests, and place you accordingly.
If you have any questions or concerns at all about any issue covered by the Volunteer Policy, please contact the festival team immediately.
After you have applied, what next?
Your application will be acknowledged in the first instance. Team selections will begin during June 2024 and you will be contacted in due course to confirm your selection. Please bear with us and be patient. Thereafter your team leader will take over communication and supply any details you require.
There will be a volunteers meet and greet organised to which all confirmed volunteers are invited. We will advise you when it will take place once you have gone through the selection process. We look forward to meeting you then.
Contacting Us:
Email: volunteer@edf.scot
Volunteer Policy
The Eilean Dorcha Festival agrees to the following understanding with volunteers:
Volunteers will receive a festival shirt.
Volunteers will receive respectful treatment.
Volunteers should not consume alcohol whilst on duty.
Volunteers working long hours will receive a free meal or snack voucher redeemable at onsite catering areas.
Volunteers will be covered by Eilean Dorcha Festival insurance.
Volunteers will have a named point of contact.
The Eilean Dorcha Festival reserves the right not to accept applications and to request an individual stops volunteering if the relationship has broken down.
The Volunteer agrees to the following understanding with the Eilean Dorcha Festival:
I will complete and submit a Volunteer Application Form.
I will attend meetings/training as required.
I will complete my Festival volunteer assignment in a satisfactory way (showing up on time for shifts, staying for the required duration, wearing volunteer shirt while on shift, respectful treatment of other volunteers, staff, performers, and especially patrons of the Festival).
I will abide by the aforementioned policies of the Eilean Dorcha Festival.
To qualify for the full volunteer benefits, a volunteer is expected to be available for a minimum 12-15 hours of work over the full weekend with shifts alternating between daytime / evening throughout the festival. Some teams require a greater commitment so please ensure that you are aware of the demands of that particular area.
A volunteer will ordinarily be a person 18 years old and older at the time of the festival. Some team requirements do vary so please check these conditions.
Volunteers will NOT bring their children to their work shifts and please be aware that the festival does not have the facilities to care for your children when you are working.
If you become unavailable to volunteer at all during the Festival weekend, please let us know immediately.
If you are interested in volunteering for EDF 2024 please click here to register your interest.